Some things about me
I grew up in New Jersey — the area where The Sopranos was set — and in San Antonio, Texas (home of the Spurs and the world’s best tacos). They’re two pretty different places but somehow that seems to fit with my many past lives which include: nuclear sub engineer, performance artist, Ironman, high school teacher, and freelance designer/stay-at-home dad. I helped invent vlogging in the pre-YouTube days, wrote a how-to book about it, and spoke at bunch of conferences. The thing that connects it all for me is my love of design and technology. Most days, I literally can’t get enough. When I’m not designing software, you can often find me working on a video or putting together my latest zine.
I currently live in Dallas with my wife and four cats. We have two amazing children who are somehow full grown-ass adults now.
Thanks for reading. If you’d like to contact me, send an email or look me up on LinkedIn.